Meet Kristi - Our Twang Gang Muse
Ever wonder how a person comes to live their passion? We’d like to introduce you to our inspirational Twang Gang team member Kristi. We’re pretty sure you’re going to fall in love with her as much as we have (and very likely her Qube clothes too)!
Hi! I’m Kristi, the Owner & Designer of Qube Clothing. I grew up on Salt Spring Island, took sewing lessons when I was about 7 and thrived. I won ribbons and trophies at our local Fall Fair for my hair scrunchies and wraps skirts.

But sewing took as backseat as I grew up and began to show more interest in boys and sports.
I moved to Vancouver at 19, was hit by a car and was thrown out of my routine. My partner’s mom brought me her old sewing machine to help me pass the time. Needing the distraction, I took to it immediately. I began with making all my clothing fit better, then I started buying clothing I liked with the intention of altering it into something I loved. Next up was buying fabric and making clothes from scratch. As a naturally kinaesthetic learner, through plenty of trial and error (as well as hours upon hours of YouTube tutorials) I taught myself how to design and make clothing from start to finish. I learned how to draft and grade patterns, sew and serge, how to button hole and insert zippers and develop garments.
Fast forward 9 years later and I now own Qube Clothing, a handmade clothing company inspired by the West Coast. I design and sew everything here, in my home studio on Salt Spring Island.
I share this studio with my fella, Jordan, who also grew up on this beautiful, magical island. He is a User Interface Designer (which is a passion that came to fruition though an accident as well – I truly believe there is always a silver lining). Jord is working remotely for Metalab a Victoria based Design Agency.
Jord & I just celebrated 10 years of love, and we have 2 doodle babies, Honey (9 months) and Daisy (12 years). As Millennials we constantly strive for purpose and a healthy work/life balance. I feel we have found that. I love my job with Qube and feel inspired in my position at Twang & Pearl. I feel valued and important.
I work hard but always create time to relax, play, unwind, reflect and recharge. When I’m not in the studio, chances are I’m out exploring with Jord and our doggies.
When I’m in the studio I am drafting new patterns, adapting existing patterns, cutting, pressing, pinning, serging and sewing. When I’m at Twang & Pearl, I’m excited to learn about the retail & fashion industry from a store perspective and I love to contribute my talents to our team.
My focus is creating elevated staples that make you look and feel incredible, but I also love to create custom garments for special occasions.
Each Qube garment is adorned with a signature handmade wooden button from Lasqueti Island.
P.S. Next time you’re in Twang & Pearl, look out for Qube’s signature wooden buttons on the rack (and for Kristi’s beaming positivity) – both are sure to put a happy bounce in your step.